marți, 1 decembrie 2009


Sunt cateva lucruri cu adevarat importante in viata, iar oameni la care merita sa tii, chiar mai putini. Stiu. Am stiut-o dintotdeauna. Doar ca ... uneori tind sa uit. Poate pentru ca viata e atat de agitata, ma concentrez pe detalii si ratez imaginea de ansamblu. Un exemplu? Iata: Am avut, am si voi nevoie de anumite persoane in viata mea. Poate am nevoie de ei mai mult decat au ei de mine, si, in consecinta, fac, probabil, mai mult decat ei pentru a-i pastra aproape. Dar astea ar fi doar "detaliile nesemnificative". "Imaginea de ansamblu" este ca sunt acolo pentru mine cand am nevoie de ei si ca stiu ca sunt acolo pentru ei daca au nevoie de mine. Nu exista o scara de masura a sentimentelor , dar daca vrei sa ajungi la sufletul cuiva poate ar trebui sa fii mai putin incapatanat si mai intelegator. Oh, si un pic mai multa dragoste si un pic mai putina mandrie ar ajuta.
Asa ca incearca, nu lasa "imaginea de ansamblu" sa se ascunda in spatele "detaliilor nesemnificative".

Data: 30 Octombrie 2008.:)

luni, 30 noiembrie 2009

Despre jumatati:P

Ai aparut in calea mea;

Cred ca eram... la jumatate.

Mi-ai aratat ca tot ce-as vrea

E simplu, insa... nu se poate.

Mi-am strans tristetea in zadar

In zambete faramitate,

Cand am simtit prea dulce-amar

Ca esti cealalta jumatate.

Iubirea-ntreaga nu-i prea grea,

Ti-o dau acum, n-am timp in rate...

Si n-am habar cum as putea

Sa te iubesc pe jumatate

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009

After All

Well, here we are again
I guess it must be fate
We've tried it on our own
But deep inside we've known
We'd be back to set things straight.

I still remember when
Your kiss was so brand new
Every memory repeats,
Every step I take retreats,
Every journey always
Brings me back to you

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back to these two hearts,
Two angels who've been rescued from the fall

And after all that we've been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it's meant to be
Forever you and me,
After all.

Always, just beyond my touch
Though I needed you so much
After all, what else is living for.

Beautiful ...

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

Te salut generatie-n blugi

Daca sufletul tau intelege
De la rock pan-la imnuri si rugi
Te salut tineret in adidasi
Te salut generatie-n blugi

Exista niste oameni pe care ii iubesc
Au varsta constiintei si-apartenentei mele
Se invartesc in jurul a 20 de ani
Se dau golani si smecheri si vor sa fie stele
Sunt uneori teribili si alte ori vulgari
Parintii spun adesea ca nu mai stiu sa-i creasca
Dar tineti bine minte voi acei scarbiti de ei
Ca ei sunt la nevoie armata romaneasca

Daca sufletul tau intelege
De la rock pan-la imnuri si rugi
Te salut tineret in adidasi
Te salut generatie-n blugi

Exista niste tineri marcati de folk si rock
Ce au nevoie-n tara de sprijin si de toate
Si daca nu am face cultura pentru ei
Ei si-ar lua-o-n taina de prin strainatate
Si noi am fost excentrici si noi am fost huliti
Nici noi n-am mers la baluri sa randuim tangoul
De ce sa trecem astazi drept niste incuiati
Pe care ii acreste si enerveaza noul?

Daca sufletul tau intelege
De la rock pan-la imnuri si rugi
Te salut tineret in adidasi
Te salut generatie-n blugi.

Pentru Andrei, rocker-ul meu de acasa.:)

vineri, 6 noiembrie 2009

You Are The Love Of My Life

You Are The Love Of My Life
I knew it right from the start
The moment I looked at you
You found a place in my heart

You Are The Love Of My Life
You give me reason to live
You taught me how to be strong
With you is where I belong

No one's ever touched me
Quite the way you touched me
People search a life time
To find what we have

You Are The Love Of My Life
One thing that's good in this life
I'll spend the rest of my days
Just loving you

You Are The Love Of My Life
The heart and sould of my life
Once I was lost and alone
With you at last I am home

You Are The Love Of My Life
You give me reason to live
You give me so much of you
And leave me room to be free

No one's ever touched me
Quite the way you touched me
People search a life time
To find what we have

You Are The Love Of My Life
One thing that's good in this life
And in a world full of change
One thing I'm sure of

You Are The Love Of My Life
The one thing that makes sense in this world
I'll spend the rest of my days
Just loving you...

You Are The Love Of My Life
And I thank GOD I'm alive
To spend my lifetime with you
You Are The Love Of My Life

For the love of my life ...

joi, 5 noiembrie 2009

Romanta negativa

N-a fost nimic din ce-a putut să fie,
Şi ce-a putut să fie s-a sfârşit...
N-a fost decât o scurtă nebunie
Ce-a-nsângerat o lamă, lucioasă, de cuţit!...

N-am fost decât doi călători cu trenul,
Ce ne-am urcat în tren fără tichete
Şi fără nici un alt bagaj decât refrenul
Semnalului de-alarmă din perete!...

Dar n-am putut călători-mpreună...
Şi fiecare-am coborât în câte-o gară,
Ca două veveriţe-nspăimântate de furtună -
Furtuna primei noastre nopţi de primăvară!Şi-atâta tot!...

Din ce-a putut să fie,
N-a fost decât un searbăd început
De simplu "fapt divers", ce nu se ştie
În care timp şi-n care loc s-a petrecut!...

Din categoria, "Calatorie pe bulevardul amintirilor" - partea I, Romanta negativa a lui Minulescu si ... iarna primului an de facultate ...

miercuri, 4 noiembrie 2009

Suflete, prund de pacate

Suflete, prund de pacate,
Esti nimic si esti de toate:
Roata stelelor e-n tine
Si o lume de jivine.
Esti nimic si esti de toate:
Aer, pasari calatoare,
Fum si vatra, vremi trecute
Si pamanturi viitoare.
Drumul tau nu e-n afara,
Caile-s in tine insuti
Iara cerul tau se naste
Ca o lacrima din plansu-ti.

miercuri, 7 octombrie 2009

Poem cu umeri goi

Si dac-am fost, si daca suntem,
Si daca nu ne-am intamplat,
In ochii mei ramai icoana,
In ochii tai raman regat.

In ochii tai coboara Luna,
In ochii mei se face frig,
Frunzare ning si creste noaptea
In numele pe care-l strig.

Unde-ai sa-ngropi iubirea mea?
Unde-ai sa duci aceste ploi?
Sub ce prapastii va muri
Poemul trist cu umeri goi?

Se face liniste
In noi,
Din ochii salciilor cad brume,
Ne dezlegam in asfiintit
Si vine noaptea fara nume.

Tatiana Stepa ...

luni, 5 octombrie 2009

5 octombrie 2000 - 5 octombrie 2009 ...

Cand jucati pt Dinamo

Sa va aduceti toti aminte

Ca nimic nu-i mai presus

De mandria de-a fi caine

Luptam pt onoare

Luptam pt glorie

Si toti pana la capat

Mandrii de-a fi caine ...


Singur, singur, singur,
Într-un han, departe -
Doarme şi hangiul,
Străzile-s deşarte,
Singur, singur, singur...

Plouă, plouă, plouă,
Vreme de beţie -
Şi s-asculţi pustiul,
Ce melancolie!
Plouă, plouă, plouă...

Nimeni, nimeni, nimeni,
Cu atât mai bine -
Şi de-atâta vreme
Nu ştie de mine
Nimeni, nimeni, nimeni...

Tremur, tremur, tremur...
Orice ironie
Vă rămâne vouă -
Noaptea e târzie,
Tremur, tremur, tremur...

Veşnic, veşnic, veşnic,
Rătăciri de-acuma
N-or să mă mai cheme -
Peste vise bruma,
Veşnic, veşnic, veşnic...

Singur, singur, singur,
Vreme de beţie -
I-auzi cum mai plouă,
Ce melancolie!
Singur, singur, singur...

Asa cum a plouat sambata trecuta ...
(Bacovia, bineinteles;))

vineri, 18 septembrie 2009

The Show Must Go On

Empty spaces - what are we living for?
Abandoned places - I guess we know the score..
On and on!
Does anybody know what we are looking for?

Another hero - another mindless crime.
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime.
Hold the line!
Does anybody want to take it anymore?
The Show must go on!
The Show must go on!
Inside my heart is breaking,
My make-up may be flaking,
But my smile, still, stays on!

Whatever happens, I'll leave it all to chance.
Another heartache - another failed romance.
On and on!
Does anybody know what we are living for?
I guess i'm learning
I must be warmer now..
I'll soon be turning round the corner now.
Outside the dawn is breaking,
But inside in the dark I'm aching to be free!

The Show must go on!
The Show must go on! Yeah!
Ooh! Inside my heart is breaking!
My make-up may be flaking!
But my smile, still, stays on!
Yeah! oh oh oh
My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairy tales of yesterday, will grow but never die,
I can fly, my friends!

The Show must go on! Yeah!
The Show must go on!
I'll face it with a grin!
I'm never giving in!
On with the show!

I'll top the bill!
I'll overkill!
I have to find the will to carry on!
On with the,
On with the show!

The Show must go on.


miercuri, 9 septembrie 2009

Si totusi vine toamna

E inca verde iarba pe coline
Si zilele nu s-au scurtat de tot
Si cineva cu-n sac in spate vine
De sus din munti ca de la un complot.

Porumbul are inca dinti de lapte
Albinele se-ngreuneaza-n zbor
Varatec ploua in fiecare noapte
Si greierii mai canta pana mor.

Cojoacele n-au coborat din poduri
Iubirile n-au coborat din vis
Se coc gutui in foarte multe moduri
A le musca e inca interzis.

In clai de fan miroase a foc de floare
Cerboaicele nu cauta mascul
In aburii de vifor cerul moare
Mai este pana la nunta timp destul.

Si totusi vine toamna,si totusi vine toamna
Si tu o stii si o ingani
Si totusi vine toamna, si totusi vine toamna
Si vai: suntem batrani.

1. Ploaia de week-end-ul trecut numai varateca nu a fost ...
2. Greierii au murit deja ...
3. Mi-e dor ...
4. Saptamana viitoare e dedicata dulcetii de gutui (yummy:P).
5. Nunta ... poate anul viitor ...
6. Imbatranim.:((

Melodia Tatianei Stepa.

vineri, 4 septembrie 2009

Tot ce e mai bun...

Viata merge inainte. Timpul nu se opreste pentru tine. Tu de ce te-ai opri pentru el? Daca chiar vrei sa te opresti fa-o pentru a simti ... parfumul unei flori, apa rece de munte, ploaia si fulgii de zapada. Daca vrei sa opresti timpul din goana lui, uite cum sa faci: nu te teme sa fii tu insuti, urmeaza ratiunea dar nu te impotrivi inimii, ia din toate ce e mai bun si niciodata nu te uita inapoi!

Inca un fragmentel care imi apartine. Data fabricatiei e cam acum un an, adica 1 septembrie 2008...

joi, 27 august 2009

A remettre a mon fils quand il aura seize ans

Mon nécessaire d'or des heures de bataille
Dont je me suis servi aux matins exaltants
D'Iéna, de Friedland, d'Eylau, de Montmirail,
Le remettre à mon fils quand il aura seize ans.

Trois caisses d'acajou aux armes impériales,
Mon glaive de consul et mes deux lits de camp,
Mon uniforme de la Garde Nationale,
Les remettre à mon fils quand il aura seize ans.

Et ma Légion d'honneur, ma lunette de guerre,
Manteau de Marengo, bottes et gilets blancs,
Les trois vases sacrés de ma chapelle claire,
Les remettre à mon fils quand il aura seize ans.

Mes éperons d'argent et mes fusils de chasse,
Les selles des chevaux, mon épée d'Austerlitz,
Mes chapeaux délavés hissés dans leurs espaces,
Quand il aura seize ans, les remettre à mon fils.

Certains n'oublieront pas ce qui me fut moins beau.
Je te le donne aussi, car tu es mon enfant.
Les échecs de ma vie, mes soirs de Waterloo,
Les remettre à mon fils quand il aura seize ans.

Am reascultat melodia aseara si imi place mult. Gilbert Beacud e "responsabil".

miercuri, 5 august 2009

Ce departe esti

Doar un telefon mai pastreaza inca
Litere si carti, renuntari si munca
Numai strigat sunt peste care cresti
Ce departe esti si cat imi lipsesti!

Nu ma mai intreb, nu mai vreau raspunsuri
Pentru adevar nu mai fac recursuri
Toate cate-au fost azi devin povesti
Ce departe esti si cat imi lipsesti!

Au ramas pe-un raft prietenii si carte
Tot ce imparteam nu se mai imparte
Daca eu renunt tu sa nu gresesti
Ce departe esti si cat imi lipsesti!

Te astept din nou, zid fara fereastra
Sa barfim strain chiar iubirea noastra
Eu sa te urasc, tu sa ma detesti
Ce departe esti si cat imi lipsesti!

Tatiana Stepa ...

joi, 30 iulie 2009

Hush, Little Baby

Hush, little baby, don't say a word,
Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.

If that mockingbird won't sing,
Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.

If that diamond ring turns brass,
Mama's going to buy you a looking glass.

If that looking glass gets broke,
Mama's going to buy you a billy goat.

If that billy goat won't pull,
Mama's going to buy you a cart and bull.

If that cart and bull turn over,
Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover.

If that dog named Rover won't bark,
Mama's going to buy you a horse and cart.

If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest baby in town.

So hush little baby, don't you cry,
Daddy loves you and so do I.

In traducere libera: "Nani, nani, puisor":P

marți, 14 iulie 2009

Poate ca ma viseaza cineva

Poate că mă visează cineva -
De aceea gesturile
Îmi sunt atât de moi
Şi de neterminate,
Cu scopul uitat
La jumătatea mişcării,
De aceea contururile mi se şterg
Secundă cu secundă
Şi faptele mi se topesc…
Şi poate cel ce mă visează
E smuls din când în când
Din somn,
Purtat cu sila-n viaţa lui
De aceea mă-ntunec
Suspendată uneori
Ca de-un fir care se topeşte de nea,
Fără să ştiu
Dacă va mai adormi vreodată
Ca să mi se mai întâmple

Ana Blandiana a scris versurile.
Iar pe mine ... poate chiar ma viseaza cineva.;)

luni, 29 iunie 2009

You're My Best Friend

Ooo. you make me live
Whatever this world can give to me
It's you, you're all I see
Ooo, you make me live now honey
Ooo, you make me live
You're the best friend that I ever had
I've been with you such a long time
You're my sunshine
And I want you to know
That my feelings are true
I really love you
You're my best friend
Ooo, you make me live
I've been wandering round
But I still come back to you
In rain or shine
You've stood by me kiddo
I'm happy, happy at home
You're my best friend.
You're the first one
When things turn out bad
You know I'll never be lonely
You're my only one
And I love
The things that you do
You're my best friend
Ooo, you make me live.
I'm happy, happy at home
You're my best friend
You're my best friend
Ooo, you make me live
You, you're my best friend.

La multi ani, Andrei!:*

sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2009

Numai duminica

Nu stiu de ce, citeodata, duminica
Imi aduc aminte de tine.
Poate pentru ca-i sarbatoare
Iar tu, o sarbatoare ai fost pentru mine.

Uneori amintirile au chiar si umor.
Zimbesc singura la imagini fragile
Si ma bucur de trecut. Apoi meditez
La destinul parca ursit de sibile.

Anii au trecut fara stire de-atunci.
M-am luat cu firescul de fiece zi
Si-am evitat sa-mi marturisesc
Ca in gindul ascuns, imi apartii.

Nu inteleg de ce numai duminica
Imi aduc aminte de tine.
Poate pentru ca-i sarbatoare
Iar tu, o sarbatoare ai fost pentru mine

Luciana Vaughn se numeste autoare versurilor.

luni, 8 iunie 2009

Anytime You Need A Friend

If you're lonely
And need a friend
And troubles seem like
They never end
Just remember to keep the faith
And love will be there to light the way

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You'll never be alone again
So don't you fear
Even if you're miles away
I'm by your side
So don't you ever be lonely
Love will make it alright

When the shadows are closing in
And your spirit diminishing
Just remember you're not alone
And love will be there
To guide you home

If you just believe in me
I will love you endlessly
Take my hand
Take me into your heart
I'll be there forever baby
I won't let go
I'll never let go

I will always be there for you, I promise!

Sunt versurile unei melodii cantate de Mariah Carey...

joi, 28 mai 2009


There are things that you must not forget. Things that used to hurt so much that you thought you would never smile again. But time passes by and you do forget the tears you cried and the intensity of the pain. When you finally remember, it hurts just the same. Light a candle for a broken love, never forget the pain, never forgive the one who caused it!

Imi asum in totalitate paternitatea (de fapt maternitatea:P) fragmentului de mai sus.

miercuri, 27 mai 2009

I Will Remember

I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don’t let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories.

I’m so tired but I can’t sleep
Standin’ on the edge of something much too deep
It’s funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside, but we can’t be heard.

And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don’t let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories.

Am descoperit melodia dupa ce am vazut un clip pe Youtube despre Sergei Grinkov si fetita lui, Daria...

luni, 25 mai 2009


Pe-al mării ţărm sta dîrză o stîncă-ntunecată,
Pe fruntea ei, un trăsnet se abătuse-odată.
Şi-a despicat-o-n două lăsînd la mijloc cale
pe care spuma apei în clocot se prăvale.
Sînt două stînci străine, cum le-a lăsat furtuna.
Lungi crăpături arată c-au fost odată una.

No idea de unde am versurile. Sorry...

duminică, 24 mai 2009

Life's Little Lessons

Teach me to smile
I've forgotten the way
Teach me to speak
What can I say?
Show me your god
To whom I've never prayed
Be with me
No one else has stayed
Strengthen my heart
For it is tattered and frayed
I would learn to love
If you let me, if I may
And if I learn to live
How much must I pay?
Will you take my life?
And lay it on a silver tray
And if I take your hand
Will we be o.k?

Asta e de pe un site emo.:P

vineri, 22 mai 2009

Whispers On The Ice

The forest was silent, as if holding its breath in anticipation. Jordan found herself alone, in the middle of a clearing, the pine needles silencing her footsteps as she slowly turned in a circle in search of a way out. Suddenly, several yards away, Aleksei stood at the wood line of the forest, his arms outstretched, reaching toward her. Jordan cautiously began walking toward Aleksei. His voice was silent yet inside her heart she could hear him calling her to him. Each step she took toward him, he seemed to melt deeper into the forest, his tall, muscular body becoming more transparent with each passing second. It was as if he was slowly fading before her eyes. But she knew that was impossible so she kept moving forward, her hands reaching out to touch him.

"Jordan, I love you," Aleksei stated softly, his voice clear in the chill winter air.

"Aleksei, wait," she implored, trying to run toward him, but stumbling on the uneven earth of the forest. "Don't leave me. Nobody leaves. Remember?" she cried, picking herself up when the dense forest floor tripped her.

"I'll never leave you, Jordan. We'll always be together," he promised, his body fading further, shimmering in the cold breeze.

"Aleksei, no...! God..., please, no..." she sobbed, stumbling forward and finally reaching the spot where the last vague image of Aleksei's body shimmered before her. "Aleksei, you promised," she cried, reaching for him and feeling not the welcome warmth of his body but empty, cold air. "You swore to me... Nobody leaves..." she whimpered brokenly, collapsing to the ground.

"You'll always be able to find me, Jordan. I'll always be with you. Perhaps not the way we want it to be, but I will always be with you. Listen to the whispers on the ice, Jordan. You'll find me in the whispers on the ice."

"That's not enough. I want you next to me. I want to be able to touch you, to hear your laughter and see your smile, to feel your heart beating against mine. Don't leave me, Aleksei," she cried brokenly, reaching for him only to see her hands penetrate his barely discernible shape.

"I love you, Jordan... never forget. I'll love you forever..." he whispered and gently ran his hand down her cheek, fading away completely to leave her totally alone in the forest.

Dupa Harry Potter fanfiction, a urmat figure skating fanfiction. Fragmentul e din "Whispers On The Ice" (pe care sper sa o primesc in varianta tiparita la vara:P).

vineri, 15 mai 2009

For You To Remember

It's hard to care about someone when that someone is miles away... It's hard to be there when you need me. But you must know that anytime you feel blue I'll be there for you. You need a helping hand, I give it to you. You need a shoulder to cry on, I have two. You need someone to make you smile, count on me. Although I'm not there with you, you're in my heart and in my thoughts. You are my baby girl and my friend and nothing in the world can change that.
I care about you so much, sweety!

LE: For the sweetest cousin in the whole world. Love you, kid!

6 februarie 2008

joi, 14 mai 2009

Si daca...

Şi dacă ramuri bat în geam
Şi se cutremur plopii,
E ca în minte să te am
Şi-ncet să te apropii.

Şi dacă stele bat în lac
Adâncu-i luminându-l,
E ca durerea mea s-o-mpac
Înseninându-mi gândul.

Şi dacă norii deşi se duc
De iese-n luciu luna,
E ca aminte să-mi aduc
De tine-ntotdeauna.

Inutil sa spun ale cui sunt versurile.

sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009

Copaci fara padure

1.In povestea copacilor goi
scartaind intr-o singura usa
Este vorba de noi amandoi,
este vorba de foc si cenusa..
Doi copaci fara frunze pe drum,
dupa cum ii priveste inaltul
Doi copaci prin sarutul de sus
aplecandu-se unul spre altul.
2.Toata vara au fost numai ploi
si-au fost stele in nopti fara stele
Si prin toamna sederii in noi
cade ultima frunza pe ele
In zadar catre tine intind
niste crengi ce-mi fusesera brate,
Alte usi se aud scartaind
de tomnatecul vant sa se agate.
3.Nu mai suntem decat doi copaci,
vor veni taietori sa ne tunda,
Vor lua crengi toti copiii saraci
pentru flacara lor muribunda.
Si chiar daca ma vei mai iubi
peste crivatul iernii ce vine
Fara brate, cu ochii pustii
n-am sa am ce intinde spre tine.

Spune-mi padure cu frunza rara
Unde-i iubirea de asta vara?
Nu stie iarna sa se indure
De noi, copacii fara padure.

Ascultam azi, in masina, Tatiana Stepa.:)

joi, 7 mai 2009

Call My Name

There are days when those
gray skies make you blue.
Each forward step you take,
you fall back by two.
You've been hit by some hard knocks,
you just can't stand.
Feeling like Alice felt in Wonderland.

Let me be the one to lend a hand.
Call my name and I'll be there.
There's nothing like the laughter that we share.
Whenever you need someone or a shoulder to lean on,
call my name and I'll be there

And when life's going your way,
just like a breeze,
it's a high-flying kind of day above the trees.
Together we'll be making memories.

As this world turns us around,
we hang on to what we found,
a treasure we both need.
I will go that extra mile
to give you back that certain smile
that you've given me!

I'll answer everytime and anywhere.
Call my name and I'll be there.
There's nothing lïke the laughter that we share.
Whenever you need someone or a shoulder to lean on,
call my name and I'll be there.

Pentru Si...

miercuri, 6 mai 2009

Recheama - ma

Cand clipa iti va fi mai grea,
Cand dorul iti va fi vecin,
Recheama-ma si-am sa revin
La fel ca ieri iubirea mea.

Si cum sa uit ce n-am uitat
In anii primei tinereti
Si am sa uit ca doar tristeti
Mi-ai daruit cand ai plecat

Am sa ma-ntorc si-am sa ma mint
Ca am visat un vis urat
Si-ti voi sari ca ieri de gat
Uitand tristeti si amagiri
Cand noaptea iar va fi de-argint

Am sa ma-ntorc si am sa-ti spun
Ca dincolo de vechi dureri,
Traiesc si azi din tot ce ieri
Iubeam, in tine drag si bun

Atat te rog, iubirea mea,
Recheama-ma si-am sa revin
In calea ta ca un senin,
Cand clipa iti va fi mai grea.

Savoy si Angela Similea...

marți, 5 mai 2009


E timpul sa pleci
Si usa se-nchide,
Ce simplu-ar fi fost
Sa-ti spun sa mai stai.
Sa-ti spun te-am iertat,
Ceva ma opreste;
Orgolii mai vechi
Mi-e greu sa le-nving.
Cand inima mea imi spune, vorbeste
Un gand nechemat ma-ndeamna sa tac.
Un singur cuvant si tot va fi bine
Dar inima mea nu tine cu mine
Ce sa-i spun, ce sa sper,
Cum s-o rog, cum sa-i cer…
Iarta, tu inima iarta
Tacerea te roaga si gandul, te cearta,
Iarta, tu inima iarta
In dragoste trebuie sa ierti
Hai incearca si iarta, tu inima iarta
In numele dragostei, fi inteleapta,
Iarta, tu inima iarta
Vei fi fericita daca vrei.
De pierzi sau invingi, ce-i pasa iubirii
Cand cel ce-a invins e singur si trïst...

Mihaela Runceanu, din nou...

sâmbătă, 2 mai 2009

De-ar fi sa vii

De-as avea un crampei dintr-o zi
Ti-las da poate cand vei veni
De-ar fi sa vii as crede ca visez
De-ar fi sa vii ce ne-am mai spune oare
Si cum sa speri
Ca voi mai fi cea de ieri
Eu nu te-am uitat dar vezi te-am ratacit prin gand
De-ar fi sa vii as crede ca visez
Mi-as aminti ce dor mi-a fost de tine
Si te-as ierta oricat de greu ar parea
Doar de nu ma vei iubi atunci mai bine nu venï

Mihaela Runceanu...

vineri, 1 mai 2009

Un baiat minunat

Domnule x,
Nu-mi spune cum te cheama,
Esti anonim
Alt nume nici nu-ti dau,
Nu-ntelegi ca nu vreau
Prieten sa-mi fii,
Tu visezi aventuri de-o zi.
Domnule x,
Nu-mi cere sa te laud,
N-ai ce sa faci,
Cu-atatea calitati,
Nici n-ai cui sa le arati
In aventuri de-o zi,
De-ai fi domnul perfect, ei si…

Domnule x,
Ti-as spune o poveste,
dar, ce pacat
Am timpul limitat
Nu te vreau in décor
Distins cuceritor
Vine-o vreme cand pierzi usor.

Esti un baiat minunat
(sau ti se pare),
Esti un maestru cand spui povesti,
Dulce baiat minunat
Tu sincer nu prea esti.
Esti un baiat minunat
(sau ti se pare),
Chiar tandru si rafinat poti fi,
Dulce baiat minunat
Eu nu te pot iubi.

Pentru toti domnii X care au venit si au plecat... Am aflat ulterior ca versurile sunt ale unei melodii a Madalinei Manole.:P

joi, 30 aprilie 2009

Romanta fara muzica

În seara când ne-om întâlni -
Căci va veni şi seara-aceea -
În seara-aceea voi aprinde trei candelabre de argint
Şi-ţi voi citi
Capitole din epopeea
Amantelor din Siracuza,
Şi Corint...
Şi-n seara când ne-om întâlni
Te-oi întreba,
Ca şi pe multele pe care le-am întrebat 'naintea ta:
- Voieşti sau nu să fii a mea?
În seara când ne vom iubi -
Căci va veni şi seara-aceea -
În pat vom presăra buchete de trandafiri şi chiparoasă
Ne vom închide-apoi în casăŞi vom zvârli în stradă cheia...
Şi-n seara când ne vom iubi
Te-oi întreba,
Ca şi pe multele pe care le-am întrebat 'naintea ta:
- Voieşti să nu mai fii a mea?...
Şi-n seara când ne-om despărţi -
Căci va veni şi seara-aceea -
Vom stinge flăcările-albastre din candelabrele de argint,
Iar florile de chiparoasă şi trandafirii-i vom presa
În cartea roză-a epopeii
Amantelor din Siracuza,
Şi Corint...
Şi-n seara când ne-om despărţi
Te voi ruga,
Ca şi pe multele pe care le-am sfătuit 'naintea ta:-
Să-ţi aminteşti c-ai fost şi-a mea!...

Pe asta n-am cum sa n-o stiu. Minulescu. Vine cu amintirea parfumului de primavara tarzie si a noptilor nedormite...

miercuri, 29 aprilie 2009

Nothing Lasts Forever ...


I close my eyes
Only for a moment and the moment's gone
All my dreams
Pass before my eyes, a curiosity
Same old song
Just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do
Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see
Now, don't hang on
Nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
It slips away
And all your money won't another minute buy
Dust in the wind
All we are is dust in the wind

Maybe we shoul have someone to remind us that we don't have forever ...

marți, 28 aprilie 2009


Ningea cu flori de iasomii, si inca mai eram copii
Cand ne-a lovit sub cer deschis un fel de moarte
Si-am tot cazut din vis in vis pana la marele abis
Unde nici gandul nu e-n stare sa te poarte
Si-n clip-aceea se nastea din jocul nostru prima stea
Inlantuindu-ne cu dor pana departe
Copii uitati de capul lor, cat de frumos pluteam in zbor
Fara sa credem ca iubirea nu ne vrea...

Nici nu mai stiu de unde esti, cum te-ai numit, cum te numesti
Si pentru cine mai suspini in asteptare.
Sunt pline vietile de spini si-ai scapatat dintre lumini
Desi pe nimeni n-am iubit asa de tare.
Au fost odata doua stari care-naltau din joaca scari
Sa dea o fuga peste zari pana la soare
Copii frumosi indragostiti, paream pe veci inlantuiti
Fara sa credem ca iubirea nu ne vrea...

Si uite-asa iar imi scapa cum se numeste melodia... "Vara promisa" poate?

luni, 2 februarie 2009

Today We Fight

Today we fight for what we lost,
Become what we were meant to be.
Let’s brandish wands so rarely used--
In time, the Dark will come for me.

They’re coming now; stand fast, stand true.
We choose a future that’s not dim--
You’ll get the knack of fighting soon;
Our might, our love, will conquer him.

I’ve taught you all my mind has known;
It’s time to show your colors true.
The test approaches with the storm;
Good luck, Godspeed, I grant to you.

The last one...

duminică, 1 februarie 2009


I’m falling again.
I try to forget but I only remember.
Each time I see him the world disappears,
and I fall, over, and over, and over.
There’s nothing I can do to stop my longing heart
although my body is broken and beaten
from falling over, and over, and over.
Because all that’s waiting at the bottom
are rocks, jagged, craggy, and sharp.
Dashing me to pieces over, and over, and over.
And no matter how much I want him to
he will never be waiting to catch me at the bottom.
And I will spend a lifetime
falling and breaking over, and over, and over.

E penultima din "ciclul Harry Potter".

sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2009

When I'm Gone

The people stand gathered
Here because they feel they must be,
Ready long before the fire lights
To be done,
To get on with their lives.
But they linger
To touch the pyre with prying fingers,
To breathe the smoke-scented air with relish,
To feel they’ve paid
But as far as I can tell,
None of them care,
Not really,
Not truly.
Will anyone mourn me
When I’m gone?

A circle of those called my family
Watches with tear-filled eyes as the rising flames
Envelop the young, dark-haired body,
My shell for long years past.
And when the crowd is gone,
They watch the embers still,
Tears still falling,
Hearts still broken.
Perhaps they mourn,
But when day turns to night,
Night to day,
And day to night again,
The weight lifts.
They slowly forget.
I can only hope
Something of me
Remains in them.
But still I ask:
Will anyone remember me
When I’m gone?

Fortunatelly he didn't die.:P

vineri, 30 ianuarie 2009

Giving Up

We can’t stay this way,
So I’ll leave you in my wake.
Because I shouldn’t have to pay,
For the choices that you make.

I hold no bitter feelings,
That you need to know.
There’ve been no shady dealings,
I’m just letting you go.

I’m writing us away,
The us that never was.
There’s little left to say,
Now writing just because.

You should have kept your promise,
But should have isn’t kept.
And know I will not miss,
The tears I nearly wept.

Now we’re fading fast,
And we’ll once again be two.
Good things never last,
And there’s nothing I can do.

Maybe you should fight,
If you want to skip the passing cup,
You need to do what’s right,
Because I am giving up.

From: Lily
To: Sev

joi, 29 ianuarie 2009


Is this the way it had to
I lost a lover,
I lost a friend.
And nothing I do
Bring you
Back again.

How many tears have I shed
Since you’ve
Been gone?
How many sleepless nights when
I couldn’t
Move on?

It wasn’t fair,
It wasn’t right,
It wasn’t your time.

I can’t look at you
So broken.
Now I regret so much the words
Left unspoken.

I never even said
So this is mine -
My lullaby.
I love you,

Behind this smile,
I’m crying;
Behind this laugh,
I’m screaming.
Behind this life,
I’m dying;
Behind this calm,
I’m dreaming.

If I had one more minute,
I’d hold you
Tell you how much I miss you,
And get some sleep

But my chance is gone,
So I’ll say it
I know you hear me

I never will say
You’re in my heart,
You’ll never truly die.
So this is mine,
Sweet lullaby,
I love you so much -

Locatia e aceeasi. Scrisa din punctul de vedere al lui Ginny, la moartea lui Harry (stiu ca nu a murit, dar versurile sunt scrise inainte de aparitia ultimei carti).

sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2009

To Lily

I’m sorry it had to end this way
I hope you know I care.
I want to hold you in my arms
But no, I would not dare.

I see the way you look at me
With eyes of green and sorrow.
But I see the hope. I see the light
And sunshine of tomorrow.

I want to wave my magic wand
To make everything okay.
But there may be another plan
And we won’t have a say.

I want to hold you in my heart
And throw away the key.
I want you to embrace me
And forever we would be.

I’d love you more than yesterday
And less than days to come.
I’ll fight for you until the end,
Your heart I will have won.

Tot legat de Harry Potter, un poem preluat de pe, despre iubirea imposibila...

joi, 15 ianuarie 2009

Atat de frageda

Atât de frageda, te-asameni
Cu floarea alba de cires,
Si ca un înger dintre oameni
In calea vietii mele iesi.

Abia atingi covorul moale,
Matasa suna sub picior,
Si de la crestet pâna-n poale
Plutesti ca visul de usor.

Din încretirea lungii rochii
Rasai ca marmura în loc –
S-atârna sufletu-mi de ochii
Cei plini de lacrimi si noroc.

O, vis ferice de iubire,
Mireasa blânda din povesti,
Nu mai zâmbi! A ta zâmbire
Mi-arata cât de dulce esti,

Cât poti cu-a farmecului noapte
Sa-ntuneci ochii mei pe vechi,
Cu-a gurii tale calde soapte,
Cu-mbratisari de brate reci.

Deodata trece-o cugetare,
Un val pe ochii tai fierbinti:
E-ntunecoasa renuntare,
E umbra dulcilor dorinti.

Te duci, s-am înteles prea bine
Sa nu ma tin de pasul tau,
Pierduta vecinic pentru mine,
Mireasa sufletului meu!

Ca te-am zarit e a mea vina
Si vecinic n-o sa mi-o mai iert,
Spasi-voi visul de lumina
Tinzându-mi dreapta în desert.

S-o sa-mi rasai ca o icoana
A pururi verginei Marii,
Pe fruntea ta purtând coroana –
Unde te duci? Când o sa vii?

Pentru ca azi e 15 ianuarie.

marți, 13 ianuarie 2009

To Tonks

There’s a picture of you and me.
That I’ve made up, that you can’t see.
My picture seems worthless, and without a frame.
It’s cracked and worn though I feel no shame.
I hold it to my heart, feeling its warmth.
Yet at the same time it’s cold in its form.
It’s iced on the edges, making it rough.
The sun tries to melt it, but it isn’t enough.
It’s not enough to melt through the frost.
I realize now what I have lost.
Letting go of my picture, it falls to the floor
Shattering in pieces of a thousand or more.
So frozen cold with my doubts and fears
Not seeing it before, it had not been clear.
We can’t be together, it’s too much to ask
The picture of us is now in the past.

Harry Potter mood, ma pregatesc sa citesc ultimul volum. Versurile sunt de pe Nu am poza cu Tonks.:(

Le temps perdu

Devant la porte de l'usine

le travilleur soudain s'arrete

et comme il se retourne

et regard le soleil

tout rouge tout rond

souriant dans son ciel de plomb

il cligne de l'oeil


Dis donc camarade Soleil

tu ne trouves pas

que c'est plutot con

de donner une journee pareille

a un patron?

Se potrivesc mai mult vara, desi cu criza asta economica ... cui ii mai arde de "conversat" cu soarele?:P

luni, 5 ianuarie 2009

Le temps des oeufs au plat

Toi tu portais la barbe et moi
J'avais des bottes qui prennaient l'eau
Ensemble on écorchait Brassens
À la guitare et au banjo
Par flemme de rentrer se coucher
On faisait semblant de draguer
Ou on perdait des nuits entières
À discuter dans les cafés

C'était le temps, le temps des œufs au plat
C'était le temps des chambres sous les toits
Quant on dormait en grelottant dans nos manteaux
Sauf quand une fille nous tenait chaud
C'était le bon vieux temps

On s'doutait bien que le mariage
C'était le service militaire à vie
Mais nous voilà devenus sages
Moi le témoin, toi le mari
Bientôt on se donnera rendez-vous
En regardant nos agendas
Et à ta femme j'apporterai
Des petits fours, un hortensia

Ce sera le temps, le temps des dimanches au bois
Le temps des tables pliantes et des poulets froids
D'un air patient ta femme t'écoutera
Quand tu parleras encore une fois
De notre bon vieux temps

Et puis un beau soir mal à l'aise
J'arriverai accompagné
Et un regard vous suffira
Pour voir que je vais y passer
Nous attendrons l'heure de la vaisselle
Quand les femmes s'en vont de leur côté
Alors du fond de nos cognacs
Et d'nos cafés décaffeinés

On retrouvera le temps des œufs au plat
Le joli temps des chambres sous les toits
Quand on dormait en grelottant dans nos manteaux
Sauf quand une fille nous tenait chaud
Notre bon vieux temps

Amintiri de ani frumosi pe muzica lui Joe Dassin...

vineri, 2 ianuarie 2009

Happy New Year!!!

No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
Its the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and I.

Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and I.

Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It's the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and I.