sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2009

To Lily

I’m sorry it had to end this way
I hope you know I care.
I want to hold you in my arms
But no, I would not dare.

I see the way you look at me
With eyes of green and sorrow.
But I see the hope. I see the light
And sunshine of tomorrow.

I want to wave my magic wand
To make everything okay.
But there may be another plan
And we won’t have a say.

I want to hold you in my heart
And throw away the key.
I want you to embrace me
And forever we would be.

I’d love you more than yesterday
And less than days to come.
I’ll fight for you until the end,
Your heart I will have won.

Tot legat de Harry Potter, un poem preluat de pe www.fanfiction.mugglenet.com, despre iubirea imposibila...

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