sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2009

When I'm Gone

The people stand gathered
Here because they feel they must be,
Ready long before the fire lights
To be done,
To get on with their lives.
But they linger
To touch the pyre with prying fingers,
To breathe the smoke-scented air with relish,
To feel they’ve paid
But as far as I can tell,
None of them care,
Not really,
Not truly.
Will anyone mourn me
When I’m gone?

A circle of those called my family
Watches with tear-filled eyes as the rising flames
Envelop the young, dark-haired body,
My shell for long years past.
And when the crowd is gone,
They watch the embers still,
Tears still falling,
Hearts still broken.
Perhaps they mourn,
But when day turns to night,
Night to day,
And day to night again,
The weight lifts.
They slowly forget.
I can only hope
Something of me
Remains in them.
But still I ask:
Will anyone remember me
When I’m gone?

Fortunatelly he didn't die.:P

vineri, 30 ianuarie 2009

Giving Up

We can’t stay this way,
So I’ll leave you in my wake.
Because I shouldn’t have to pay,
For the choices that you make.

I hold no bitter feelings,
That you need to know.
There’ve been no shady dealings,
I’m just letting you go.

I’m writing us away,
The us that never was.
There’s little left to say,
Now writing just because.

You should have kept your promise,
But should have isn’t kept.
And know I will not miss,
The tears I nearly wept.

Now we’re fading fast,
And we’ll once again be two.
Good things never last,
And there’s nothing I can do.

Maybe you should fight,
If you want to skip the passing cup,
You need to do what’s right,
Because I am giving up.

From: Lily
To: Sev

joi, 29 ianuarie 2009


Is this the way it had to
I lost a lover,
I lost a friend.
And nothing I do
Bring you
Back again.

How many tears have I shed
Since you’ve
Been gone?
How many sleepless nights when
I couldn’t
Move on?

It wasn’t fair,
It wasn’t right,
It wasn’t your time.

I can’t look at you
So broken.
Now I regret so much the words
Left unspoken.

I never even said
So this is mine -
My lullaby.
I love you,

Behind this smile,
I’m crying;
Behind this laugh,
I’m screaming.
Behind this life,
I’m dying;
Behind this calm,
I’m dreaming.

If I had one more minute,
I’d hold you
Tell you how much I miss you,
And get some sleep

But my chance is gone,
So I’ll say it
I know you hear me

I never will say
You’re in my heart,
You’ll never truly die.
So this is mine,
Sweet lullaby,
I love you so much -

Locatia e aceeasi. Scrisa din punctul de vedere al lui Ginny, la moartea lui Harry (stiu ca nu a murit, dar versurile sunt scrise inainte de aparitia ultimei carti).

sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2009

To Lily

I’m sorry it had to end this way
I hope you know I care.
I want to hold you in my arms
But no, I would not dare.

I see the way you look at me
With eyes of green and sorrow.
But I see the hope. I see the light
And sunshine of tomorrow.

I want to wave my magic wand
To make everything okay.
But there may be another plan
And we won’t have a say.

I want to hold you in my heart
And throw away the key.
I want you to embrace me
And forever we would be.

I’d love you more than yesterday
And less than days to come.
I’ll fight for you until the end,
Your heart I will have won.

Tot legat de Harry Potter, un poem preluat de pe www.fanfiction.mugglenet.com, despre iubirea imposibila...

joi, 15 ianuarie 2009

Atat de frageda

Atât de frageda, te-asameni
Cu floarea alba de cires,
Si ca un înger dintre oameni
In calea vietii mele iesi.

Abia atingi covorul moale,
Matasa suna sub picior,
Si de la crestet pâna-n poale
Plutesti ca visul de usor.

Din încretirea lungii rochii
Rasai ca marmura în loc –
S-atârna sufletu-mi de ochii
Cei plini de lacrimi si noroc.

O, vis ferice de iubire,
Mireasa blânda din povesti,
Nu mai zâmbi! A ta zâmbire
Mi-arata cât de dulce esti,

Cât poti cu-a farmecului noapte
Sa-ntuneci ochii mei pe vechi,
Cu-a gurii tale calde soapte,
Cu-mbratisari de brate reci.

Deodata trece-o cugetare,
Un val pe ochii tai fierbinti:
E-ntunecoasa renuntare,
E umbra dulcilor dorinti.

Te duci, s-am înteles prea bine
Sa nu ma tin de pasul tau,
Pierduta vecinic pentru mine,
Mireasa sufletului meu!

Ca te-am zarit e a mea vina
Si vecinic n-o sa mi-o mai iert,
Spasi-voi visul de lumina
Tinzându-mi dreapta în desert.

S-o sa-mi rasai ca o icoana
A pururi verginei Marii,
Pe fruntea ta purtând coroana –
Unde te duci? Când o sa vii?

Pentru ca azi e 15 ianuarie.

marți, 13 ianuarie 2009

To Tonks

There’s a picture of you and me.
That I’ve made up, that you can’t see.
My picture seems worthless, and without a frame.
It’s cracked and worn though I feel no shame.
I hold it to my heart, feeling its warmth.
Yet at the same time it’s cold in its form.
It’s iced on the edges, making it rough.
The sun tries to melt it, but it isn’t enough.
It’s not enough to melt through the frost.
I realize now what I have lost.
Letting go of my picture, it falls to the floor
Shattering in pieces of a thousand or more.
So frozen cold with my doubts and fears
Not seeing it before, it had not been clear.
We can’t be together, it’s too much to ask
The picture of us is now in the past.

Harry Potter mood, ma pregatesc sa citesc ultimul volum. Versurile sunt de pe www.fanfictionmugglenet.com Nu am poza cu Tonks.:(

Le temps perdu

Devant la porte de l'usine

le travilleur soudain s'arrete

et comme il se retourne

et regard le soleil

tout rouge tout rond

souriant dans son ciel de plomb

il cligne de l'oeil


Dis donc camarade Soleil

tu ne trouves pas

que c'est plutot con

de donner une journee pareille

a un patron?

Se potrivesc mai mult vara, desi cu criza asta economica ... cui ii mai arde de "conversat" cu soarele?:P

luni, 5 ianuarie 2009

Le temps des oeufs au plat

Toi tu portais la barbe et moi
J'avais des bottes qui prennaient l'eau
Ensemble on écorchait Brassens
À la guitare et au banjo
Par flemme de rentrer se coucher
On faisait semblant de draguer
Ou on perdait des nuits entières
À discuter dans les cafés

C'était le temps, le temps des œufs au plat
C'était le temps des chambres sous les toits
Quant on dormait en grelottant dans nos manteaux
Sauf quand une fille nous tenait chaud
C'était le bon vieux temps

On s'doutait bien que le mariage
C'était le service militaire à vie
Mais nous voilà devenus sages
Moi le témoin, toi le mari
Bientôt on se donnera rendez-vous
En regardant nos agendas
Et à ta femme j'apporterai
Des petits fours, un hortensia

Ce sera le temps, le temps des dimanches au bois
Le temps des tables pliantes et des poulets froids
D'un air patient ta femme t'écoutera
Quand tu parleras encore une fois
De notre bon vieux temps

Et puis un beau soir mal à l'aise
J'arriverai accompagné
Et un regard vous suffira
Pour voir que je vais y passer
Nous attendrons l'heure de la vaisselle
Quand les femmes s'en vont de leur côté
Alors du fond de nos cognacs
Et d'nos cafés décaffeinés

On retrouvera le temps des œufs au plat
Le joli temps des chambres sous les toits
Quand on dormait en grelottant dans nos manteaux
Sauf quand une fille nous tenait chaud
Notre bon vieux temps

Amintiri de ani frumosi pe muzica lui Joe Dassin...

vineri, 2 ianuarie 2009

Happy New Year!!!

No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
Its the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Now's the time for us to say...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and I.

Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks he'll be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing he's astray
Keeps on going anyway...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and I.

Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
It's the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...

Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and I.