miercuri, 10 martie 2010

I Turn To You

When the world is darker than I can understand.
When nothing turns out the way I planned.
When the sky turns grey and there's no end in sight.
When I can't sleep through the lonely night.

I turn to you. Like a flower leaning toward the sun.
I turn to you. 'Cause you're the only one.
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down.
I turn to you.

When my insides are wracked with anxiety.
You have the touch that will quiet me.
You lift my spirit. You melt the ice.
When I need inspiration, when I need advice.

I turn to you. Like a flower leaning toward the sun.
I turn to you. 'Cause you're the only one.
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down.
I turn to you.

Where would I be? What would I do?
If you'd never helped me through.
I hope someday if you've lost your way.
You could turn to me like I turn to you.

I turn to you. Like a flower leaning toward the sun.
I turn to you. 'Cause you're the only one.
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down.
I turn to you.

When fear tells me to turn around.
I turn to you. 'Cause you're the only one.
Who can turn me around when I'm upside down.
I turn to you. I turn to you. I turn to you.

marți, 16 februarie 2010

Je sais pas

Détourner des rivières, porter des poids
Traverser des mers, je saurais faire.

Défier des machines, narguer des lois
Les foudres divines, çà m'effraie pas.

J'sais prendre un coup, le rendre aussi
River des clous, çà j'ai appris.

J'suis pas victime, j'suis pas colombe
Et pour qu'on m'abîme, faut qu'je tombe.

Je sais les hivers, je sais le froid
Mais la vie sans toi, je sais pas.

Je savais le silence depuis longtemps
J'en sais la violence, son goût de sang.

Rouges colères, sombres douleurs
Je sais ces guerres, j'en ai pas peur.

Je sais me défendre, j'ai bien appris
On est pas des tendres par ici.

Je sais les hivers, je sais le froid
Mais la vie sans toi, je sais pas.

Lutte après lutte, pire après pire
Chaque minute, j'ai cru tenir.

J'voudrais apprendre jour après jour
Mais qui commande à nos amours?

Je sais les hivers, je sais le froid
Mais la vie sans toi, je sais pas.

Je sais pas...
Je sais pas...

Celine Dion

joi, 14 ianuarie 2010

Which Way?

Which way you going?
Can I go too?
Which way you going?
Can I go with you?

I really love you
And all this time
I thought you loved me
And you were mine.

Im gonna miss you
And though I'm trying
Im hurting so bad,
I cant help crying

You are my whole, baby
My heart and my soul, baby
I'd have nothing to show, baby
If you should go away.

You are my whole, baby
My heart and my soul, baby.
I'd have nothing to show, baby
If you should go.

Which way you going?
Or need I ask?
Cause you dont want me,
You're free at last.

I wont forget you,
For all my life
I'll always love you,
I'll stay your wife

You are my whole, baby
My heart and my soul, baby
I'd have nothing to show, baby
If you should go away.

You are my whole, baby
My heart and my soul, baby
I'd have nothing to show, baby
If you should go.
I won't forget you...

Trist ... (si nu, nu-mi amintesc cine canta, sorry:)

marți, 1 decembrie 2009


Sunt cateva lucruri cu adevarat importante in viata, iar oameni la care merita sa tii, chiar mai putini. Stiu. Am stiut-o dintotdeauna. Doar ca ... uneori tind sa uit. Poate pentru ca viata e atat de agitata, ma concentrez pe detalii si ratez imaginea de ansamblu. Un exemplu? Iata: Am avut, am si voi nevoie de anumite persoane in viata mea. Poate am nevoie de ei mai mult decat au ei de mine, si, in consecinta, fac, probabil, mai mult decat ei pentru a-i pastra aproape. Dar astea ar fi doar "detaliile nesemnificative". "Imaginea de ansamblu" este ca sunt acolo pentru mine cand am nevoie de ei si ca stiu ca sunt acolo pentru ei daca au nevoie de mine. Nu exista o scara de masura a sentimentelor , dar daca vrei sa ajungi la sufletul cuiva poate ar trebui sa fii mai putin incapatanat si mai intelegator. Oh, si un pic mai multa dragoste si un pic mai putina mandrie ar ajuta.
Asa ca incearca, nu lasa "imaginea de ansamblu" sa se ascunda in spatele "detaliilor nesemnificative".

Data: 30 Octombrie 2008.:)

luni, 30 noiembrie 2009

Despre jumatati:P

Ai aparut in calea mea;

Cred ca eram... la jumatate.

Mi-ai aratat ca tot ce-as vrea

E simplu, insa... nu se poate.

Mi-am strans tristetea in zadar

In zambete faramitate,

Cand am simtit prea dulce-amar

Ca esti cealalta jumatate.

Iubirea-ntreaga nu-i prea grea,

Ti-o dau acum, n-am timp in rate...

Si n-am habar cum as putea

Sa te iubesc pe jumatate

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009

After All

Well, here we are again
I guess it must be fate
We've tried it on our own
But deep inside we've known
We'd be back to set things straight.

I still remember when
Your kiss was so brand new
Every memory repeats,
Every step I take retreats,
Every journey always
Brings me back to you

After all the stops and starts
We keep coming back to these two hearts,
Two angels who've been rescued from the fall

And after all that we've been through
It all comes down to me and you
I guess it's meant to be
Forever you and me,
After all.

Always, just beyond my touch
Though I needed you so much
After all, what else is living for.

Beautiful ...

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

Te salut generatie-n blugi

Daca sufletul tau intelege
De la rock pan-la imnuri si rugi
Te salut tineret in adidasi
Te salut generatie-n blugi

Exista niste oameni pe care ii iubesc
Au varsta constiintei si-apartenentei mele
Se invartesc in jurul a 20 de ani
Se dau golani si smecheri si vor sa fie stele
Sunt uneori teribili si alte ori vulgari
Parintii spun adesea ca nu mai stiu sa-i creasca
Dar tineti bine minte voi acei scarbiti de ei
Ca ei sunt la nevoie armata romaneasca

Daca sufletul tau intelege
De la rock pan-la imnuri si rugi
Te salut tineret in adidasi
Te salut generatie-n blugi

Exista niste tineri marcati de folk si rock
Ce au nevoie-n tara de sprijin si de toate
Si daca nu am face cultura pentru ei
Ei si-ar lua-o-n taina de prin strainatate
Si noi am fost excentrici si noi am fost huliti
Nici noi n-am mers la baluri sa randuim tangoul
De ce sa trecem astazi drept niste incuiati
Pe care ii acreste si enerveaza noul?

Daca sufletul tau intelege
De la rock pan-la imnuri si rugi
Te salut tineret in adidasi
Te salut generatie-n blugi.

Pentru Andrei, rocker-ul meu de acasa.:)